Showing posts with label political process. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political process. Show all posts

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Business and Politics

Did you ever stop to consider that Business and Politics are almost identical! Except, that businesses have no multi-party system, which kind of makes business similar to the communist party where anyone can reach the top, but everyone has to toe the party line!- RaviD

The above has to the above ultimate irony for a capitalist business from an ideology point of view.

Some more nuggets -

Monopoly - Monarchy

Big Business - Oligarchy

Board of Directors - Senators / Congressmen / Member of Parliament

Chairman Emeritus - Queen of England / King of Spain / etc.

Institutional Shareholders - Power brokers

Individual Shareholders - Voters

Venture Capitalists - Lobbyists

Transnational Corporations - World Domination

Mergers and Acquisitions - European Union

Corporate De-merger - Dissolution of Czechoslovakia

Corporate Cartels - NATO

By the way did you notice there is no mention of democracy here. Democracy is about promoting equality which is a supposed need (disguised wants), business thrives when there is inequality, which promotes wants. So essentially in a thriving economy or business environment there is not need for a democracy...???!??!? Comments...?

Some more analogies -

Walmart - China

Conglomerates - Ex-Soviet Union

Google - India


Goldman Sachs - Switzerland

Microsoft - Japan

Exxon-Mobile - Saudi Arabia

SAP - Germany

Yahoo - England - France

Apple - Canada

Patent Trolls - Al Qaeda

Bear Stearns - Greece

Lehman Bros. - Iceland

Cisco - South Korea

NAFTA - United Nations

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Politics... taking the plunge!

Entering the political arena requires you to be ready to bare not only your deepest darkest secrets, but also your soul! Speak nothing of being under constant scrutiny even if trimming your toe nails. Also, entails very, very long hours and finally walking the talk you preach... I guess that is why people are terrified of politics...

So in the end it's ... hard to like what you are afraid of, which is why I believe politics is despised so much.

Sometimes I think where and how these folks get the energy to continue from early morning to late night on a regular basis.
I guess the best analogy it to think of it like getting into a warm mud bath at a spa-salon, first you have to cleanse yourself by taking a shower, stay naked and get into the warm mud, seems so yucky!!! ... but they say it has therapeutic value and as you get used to the warm mud so don't want to get out of it as it seems so relaxing and comfortable!

If ever you think you want to come out the mud bath then imagine you look like a pig wallowing naked and caked in mud, and by then staying in the mud bath seems more enticing than getting clean and going about your normal business!