Thursday, February 25, 2010

Darwin lied...

If being able to survive was a sign of the survival of the fittest and thus the foundation of the theory of evolution we sure have been taken for ride for the past two centuries.

The Dinosaurs supposedly became extinct because of a great global catastrophe and also because those huge lumbering creatures had pea sized brains. Same happened to the Sabre tooth tigers and mastodons before the great ice age.

Yet, we never hear of Sharks and Cockroaches evolving into higher creature beings despite being on the face of the earth for hundreds of millions of years. What happened to evolution? Then again evolution into what...?

Now mankind has supposedly been on the planet for only the last six million years, yet it has managed to evolve beyond a seemingly wild creature into having it's own distinct civilization. That is not what I claim, but what is asserted by leading scientists, anthropologists, sociologists, and other "...gists" around the world.

Now if we were to believe the theory of evolution and the past recorded history of the planet - mankind doesn't stand a chance, because going by the past the entire world will face devastation through either natural calamities or man-made extinction of all species.

So just being able to survive longer as a species does not necessarily make it a prime candidate for evolution. Maybe the same holds true for people just because someone has been around for a while doesn't necessarily make them more evolved from another fellow being in any way shape or manner.

Some of the people who we admire for their contributions (open to debate depending on POV)Alexander, Jesus, Kennedy, Ramanujam,or even the likes of Einstein and Marie Curie had their stroke of genius at a relatively early part of their lives.

So what does all the above mean... ? Make your own deductions and post your comments if you like!

The Origin Of Species: 150th Anniversary Edition

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Back to Blogging - Bloom Energy

Back to blogging after almost a 2 year hiatus...

However, the best thing is that re-starting the blog with unveiling great news from the world of technology and that too my another fellow of Indian-heritage - KR Sridhar of Bloom Energy.

If you have recently noticed Google getting into the Energy space well here is the brain behind the thought.

Simple - The world would not have had to wait almost another 500 years for Indians to migrate to the west to contribute their talents and brilliance!

Astronomical Application of Vedic Mathematics (India Scientific Heritage)

Friday, February 15, 2008

If you are the `LAST PERSON ON THIS EARTH'....what would you do????

If you are the `LAST PERSON ON THIS EARTH'....what would you do????

Adam was the first person ....

Imagine a situation , a very hypothetical one , all the people in the world have vanished and you are the sole survivor on this planet, The last person!!!

What comes to your mind in such a situation, what would you do???

let your thoughts flow.... :))

I guess that would be an excuse to finally watch some movies such as - "Castaway", and finally pay attention when watching "Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines" .

Then grab all the books of the "Rama" series by Arthur C Clarke & Gentry Lee and read them at leisure. Diligently flip through "Contact" by Carl Sagan, etc.

However, on more serious note after reading all the previous posts I was intrigued by the lack of companionship that people would feel in such a situation. Hardly, anyone mentions family or friends or displays any empathy on whatever may have happened to them. Everyone seems to be thankful that they finally get to be alone... Quite an interesting though very subtle and implicit comment on our global society, since this is a global forum.