Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sample of my musings on Linked In - 10

Google is a leading company on Internet, in the ads market, in video distribution services, mail services, map services, in networks and datacenters. They're everywhere, before everybody, how long do you think the others will survive ?

“Disruptive new offerings that would take peer to peer social networking technology and apply them to the CRM and ecommerce fields, making the marketing and sales of various services on a peer to peer targeted basis. This would eventually lead to greater and more diverse outsourcing of various services / functions by large corporations, as their scale would prevent them from entering this realm. These customized offerings could be monetized or be offered gratis depending on the provider of such services. The above could be achieved by advances in technology - hardware and software, which would come from the creation of the much anticipated and hyped ‘neural net P2P computing grid’ where each peer node would be a server and client simultaneously, thus doing away with the massive data centers that companies like GOOGLE have. Secondly, a lot of information being part of the public domain would be the base on which individual services would be built. Once again making the individual the master of their domain. I’m sure someone will point out privacy and security concerns; however I’m sure supporting technology would be available to filter and scrub the relevant personal information and yet make the information meaningful enough to others for various purposes. That’s my vision of the future…”

Sample of my musings on Linked In - 9


Is 'BRIBING' the right thing to do to become really powerful?

“Was that a ‘real question’ or a ‘rhetorical question’ and what is the context of this question?

The reason I ask is to determine how to answer it, instead of giving an answer full of moral platitudes and ethical values.

Depending on where you are and what the business environment values are, a referral fee commission may be viewed as a ‘bribe’ in certain situations, whereas a ‘bribe’ in another environment may be business as usual somewhere else.

The second part of the question ‘ becoming powerful’ is an enigma in itself to the person asking the question. So without knowing the context of this query I guess all answers are moot…”

Sample of my musings on Linked In - 8

How would you differentiate between skill, knowledge and competency ?

“Competency = basic / learned capability required gain knowledge and skills.

Knowledge = basic / advanced information required to perform certain functions.

Skills = the dexterity to required to perform those functions.

Expertise = Competency + Knowledge + Skills ”